Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Earth Day Sensory Bin

Its April 15, which means we have exactly one week until Earth Day! The perfect time to set out an Earth Day themed sensory bin! 

Talk about an awesome, open-ended invitation to play! 

In the bin, I included new Play-Doh (I wish the store would have had brown but, as a last minute shopper I'm stuck with black), two different types of rocks, some seeds, and some fake worms! 

My little one immediately got to work! She started by flattening the play-doh to create the ground. 

Then she counted and lined up the worms. 

It wasn't long before she decided that we needed a pond. 

Thankfully, I had some blue water beads that I had started the night before! Stay tuned for another Earth Day themed water bead sensory bin! 

She then decided that we needed some grass! Our "grass" is green-dyed oats. This is why I always try and save our sensory bin fillers. These oats are leftover from our St. Patrick's Day sensory bin! It's probably going to be a huge pain to pick all the oats out of the Play-Doh but, completely worth it. Using her Learning Resources Hand Tools she was scooping, pinching, and developing those fine motor muscles! 

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